Known for its high level of politeness, Pikachu, and anime, one of the more popular places to study in is Japan. The nightlife is incredible and there are so many different things to experience in Japan while studying. So the next time you are stuck on which country to go to, why not consider Japan like one of the current outbound students?
Seiji Brown is spending two semesters abroad in Japan, studying and experiencing the culture around him. He is currently in Kyoto at Kyoto Sangyo University while obtaining a degree at Thompson Rivers University.

Seiji said being part Japanese and being born in Japan was a personal reason to go and study there. Since he moved away and came to Canada at a young age, he did not get to experience Japanese culture or learn the language, but eventually wanted to go to Japan to study.
Behind Seiji, pictured right, you can see all the fantastic use of lights and signs Japan does. Each little business is unique with its design, and draws people in. There are many things to do in Tokyo because of so many things to see and experience.
Seiji has become friends with many people in Japan, and says he feels they will be lifelong friends, and there are many international students and never feels alone. He shares a room with 35 other exchange students from around the world

One of the things he really wants to do during the summer break that is between February and April is to go and visit South Korea, as it is very close to Japan, as well as other countries in Southeast Asia.
Seiji notes that the public transportation in Japan is very good. Japan is known worldwide for having one of the most convenient transportation systems in the world. Osaka for example, is only 50 minutes away from Tokyo by train.
One thing Seiji has for students who want to go abroad is to take every opportunity that comes. Someone is only somewhere for so long and he says to make the most out of it and get out of their comfort zone. It will all be worth it and memories will be made.